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Homemade Flour Tortillas

Posted by Brandelyn Tafoya on

Homemade Flour Tortillas

If you have never had the luxury of eating homemade flour tortillas, then let me tell you, this is your next project!! And it's not really even a project, because they are so incredible easy to make, that you will never buy them again. 

I'm not sure why, but there have been a few foods over the years that I have put off learning to make because they seemed harder than they really were. For some reason tortillas were one of those foods. Maybe it was because I always heard that great tortillas were made with lard, which as a white girl from the suburbs sounded unthinkable, as I had zero experience with that growing up. Whatever the reason I put it off far too long. When I first made these (without lard btw) I was shocked at how easy they were, and the taste was out of this world. I could open a tortilla stand in my next life with these if I wanted too lol!!! 

I used butter, because everything is better with butter, and would never change that at this point. I think the flavor and texture is perfect, and we always have fresh goats butter on hand that we use for everything in our home. 

You can use a rolling pin to roll them out on a floured surface, or a tortilla press like this one. It's hard to tell you exactly how thick to make them, as I think thats a personal preference and you will figure that out as you go. 

I also love that this is a great recipe for freshly milled flour, since we all know I'm a huge fan of that with its superior nutritional value. You can click here to learn more about the counter top mills I recommend, and here for my favorite wheat berries for grinding. 

I hope you love this recipe as much as I do!!! 



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